Renewal and Outreach

There are two parts of this Working Group’s work:


We are working on making the internal policies and procedures of the MGCY easier to understand


“capacity building is about increasing the ability of individuals, institutions and societies to perform functions, solve problems, and set and achieve objectives in a sustainable manner.” UNDP

Education and capacity building is not about filling an empty bucket, it is about lighting a fire. The MGCY Capacity Building team aims to light a fire within young people across the globe, to empower them to take action for sustainable development, based on sound knowledge and information.

To act effectively towards sustainable development and Rio+20, youth need to know what’s going on and what the whole discussion is about. That’s what the Capacity Building team is here to do. Currently, we are working on developing a sustainable development toolkit that will be available for youth to use during training or information sessions in their local communities. This way we can help young people understand what’s going on and inspire them to take action locally, thus building our global youth movement towards sustainable living.

To do this, we need the help of youth organisations around the globe who are involved in capacity building. Do you have materials you could share with us? Are you involved in youth training? Let us know what you are doing by joining the capacity building team here.

what’s on the go?

There’s a lot going on. Here’s an overview of some of the things we’re working on.

On-line training sessions

There are a lot of youth who are directly involved in sustainable development and they have important information to share. We are holding a series of on-line training sessions to help youth understand different topics.

Upcoming Sessions:

Past Sessions:

We’ve recorded some of our previous on-line sessions so you can get a feel for things. You can access these training sessions by clicking on the links below.


Engaging youth with no internet access

The participation of youth from developing countries is always difficult; a lot of information is only found on the internet and most young people don’t have this kind of access. This doesn’t mean their contribution is less important, it just means we have to think different about how we get it!

One of our key areas of focus is to work with youth who do not have access to internet and to develop ways of building capacity through hands-on methods.

our goal is to engage with 5 million young people globally around capacity building

We need your help. We are developing the toolkit to help achieve our goal, but we need people who can act as country coordinators to help promote capacity building locally. If you’re interested, check out more details on our facebook event at [XXX]. Send an email now and help build capacity with people who don’t have internet access!

Rio+20 Participation Guide

A lot of people have been asking us, how do I participate in Rio+20? A lot of work is being done through the working groups of the MGCY, and Rio+20ies (one of the Organising Partners of the MGCY) have developed a participation guide to help you through the Rio+20 process. Download the Rio+20 Participation Guide [here].

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